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Published Work

  1. Trivedi P, Schenk PM, Wallenstein MD, Singh BK. 2017. Tiny microbes, Big yields: enhancing food crop production with biological solutions. Microbial Biotechnology: doi: 10.1111/1751-7915.12804.

  2. Leach JE, LR Triplett, CT Argueso, P Trivedi. 2017. Communication in the Phytobiome. Cell 169, 587-596.

  3. Delgado-Baquerizo M, P Trivedi, C Trivedi, DJ Aldridge, TC Jeffries, P Reich, BK Singh. 2017. Microbial richness and composition perform independently to drive soil multifunctionality. Functional Ecology.

  4. J Li, Z Pang, Trivedi P, Zhou X, Jia H, Wang N. 2017. ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ encodes a functional salicylic acid (SA) hydroxylase that degrades SA to suppress plant defenses. Molecular Plant Microbe Interactions 30, 620:630 (equal contribution by first three authors)

  5. Trivedi P, M Delgado-Baquerizo, TC Jeffries, C Trivedi, IC Anderson, K Lai, M McNee, K Flower, BP Singh, D Minkey, BK Singh 2017. Soil aggregation and associated microbial communities modify the impact of agricultural management on carbon content. Environmental Microbiology DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.13779.

  6. Delgado-Baquerizo M, DJ Aldridge, FT Maestre, SB Karunarantne, P Trivedi, PB Reich, BK Singh. 2017. Climate legacies drive global soil stocks in terrestrial ecosystems. Science Advancements. 3: E1602008.

  7. H-W Hu, Trivedi P, J-Z He, BK Singh. 2017. Microbial nitrous oxide emissions in dryland ecosystems: mechanisms, microbiome and mitigation. Environmental Microbiology DOI: 10.111/1462-2920.13795.

  8. Singh BK, P Trivedi. 2017. Microbiome and the future for food and nutrient security. Microbial Biotechnology 10, 50-53.

  9. Trivedi P, M Delgado-Baquerizo, C Trivedi, K Hamonts, IC Anderson, BK Singh. 2017. Keystone microbial taxa regulate the invasion of a fungal pathogen in agro-ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 111, 10-14.

  10. Liu Y-R, M Delgado-Baquerizo, P Trivedi, J-Z He, J-T Wang, BK Singh. 2017. Identity of biocrust species and microbial communities drive the response of soil multifunctionality to simulated climate change. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 107, 208:217.

  11. Trivedi P, M Delgado-Baquerizo, TC Jeffries, H Hu, IC Anderson, J Zhou, BK Singh. 2016. Microbial regulation of carbon cycle: evidence from gene-enzyme relationship. The ISME Journal 10, 2593-2604.

  12. Trivedi P, C Trivedi, J Grinyer, IC Anderson, BK Singh. 2016. Harnessing host-vector microbiome for sustainable plant disease management of phloem-limited bacteria. Frontiers in Plant Science

  13. 13. Trivedi P, M Delgado-Baquerizo, IC Anderson, BK Singh. 2016. Response of soil properties and microbial communities to agriculture: Implications for primary productivity and soil health indicators. Frontiers in Plant Science.

  14. 14. Delgado-Baquerizo M, F Maestre, P Reich, P Trivedi, Y Osanai, Y Liu, K Hammonts, TC Jefferies, BK Singh. 2016. Carbon content and climate variability drive global soil bacterial diversity patterns. Ecological Monographs 3, 373-390.

  15. Liu Y-R, M Delgado-Baquerizo, P Trivedi, J-Z He, BK Singh. 2016. Species identity of biocrust-forming lichens drives the response of soil nitrogen cycle to altered precipitation frequency and nitrogen amendment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 96, 128:136.

  16. Li J, P Trivedi, and N Wang. 2016. Field evaluation of plant defense inducers for the control of citrus Huanglongbing. Phytopathology 106:31-46.

  17. Hu HW, CA Macdonald, P Trivedi, B Holmes, L Bodrossy, JZ and BK Singh. 2016. Effects of climate warming and elevated CO2 on autotrophic nitrification and nitrifiers in dryland ecosystems. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 92, 1-15.

  18. Trivedi P, R Rochester, C Trivedi, IC Anderson and BK Singh. 2015. Soil aggregate size mediates the impacts of cropping regimes on soil carbon and microbial communities. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 91, 169-181.

  19. Hu HW, CA Macdonald, P Trivedi, B Holmes, L Bodrossy, JZ and BK Singh. 2015. Water addition regulates the metabolic activity of ammonia oxidizers responding to environmental perturbations in dry subhumid ecosystems. Environmental Microbiology 2, 444-461.

  20. Trivedi P, and N Wang. 2014. Host immune responses accelerate pathogen evolution. The ISME Journal 8, 727-731.

  21. Trivedi P, IC Anderson and BK Singh. 2013. Microbial modulators of soil carbon storage: integrating genomic and metabolic knowledge for global prediction. Trends in Microbiology 21, 641-651.

  22. Wang N and P Trivedi. 2013. Citrus Huanglongbing: a newly relevant disease presents unprecedented challenges. Phytopathology 103, 652-665.

  23. Akula N, P Trivedi, FQ Han and N Wang 2012. Identification of small molecule inhibitors against SecA of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus by structure based design. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, doi:10.1016/j.ejmech.2012.05.035.

  24. Trivedi P, Z He, JD Van Nostrand, J Zhou, G Albrigo and N Wang. 2011. Huanglongbing alters the structure and functional diversity of microbial communities associated with citrus rhizosphere. The ISME Journal 6, 363-383.              

  25. Trivedi P, TM Spann and N Wang. 2011. Isolation and characterization of beneficial bacteria associated with citrus roots in Florida. Microbial Ecology 62:324-336.

  26. Pandey A, S Chaudhry, A Sharma, VS Choudhary, MK Malviya, S Chamoli, Rinu K, P Trivedi and LMS Palni. 2011. Recovery of Bacillus and Pseudomonas spp from the ‘fired plots’ under shifting cultivation in Northeast India. Current Microbiology 62, 273-280.

  27. Trivedi P, YP Duan and N Wang. 2010.  Huanglongbing, a systemic disease, restructures the bacterial community associated with citrus roots. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76, 3427-3436.

  28. Md. Islam R, P Trivedi, MM Madhaiyan, S Seshadri, G Lee, J Yang, Y Kim, M Kim, G Han, PS Chauhan and TM Sa. Enumeration, isolation and characterization of diazotrophic bacteria from paddy fields grown under long-term fertilizer management practices. Biology and Fertility of Soils 46, 261-269.

  29. Kim K, W Yim, P Trivedi, MM Madhaiyan,  HPD Boruah., Md. R Islam, G Lee and TM Sa. 2010.  Synergistic effects of inoculating arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Methylobacterium oryzae strains on growth and nutrient uptake of red pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Plant and Soil 327, 429-440.

  30. Sagaram US, KM DeAngelis, P Trivedi, GL Andersen, S Lu and N Wang. 2009. Bacterial diversity analysis of HLB pathogen-infected citrus using PhyloChips and 16S rDNA clone library sequencing. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75, 1566-1574.

  31. Md. Islam R, P Trivedi, P Paliniappan, MS Reddy and TM Sa. 2009. Evaluation of effect of fertilization on soil microbial community structure in rice based cropping system using Fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) analysis. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 25, 1115-1117.

  32. Trivedi P, US Sagaram, JS Kim, RH Brlansky, ME Rogers, LL Stelinski, C Oswalt and N Wang. 2009. Quantification of viable Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus in hosts using quantitative PCR with the aid of ethidium monoazide (EMA). European Journal of Plant Pathology 124, 553-563.

  33. Malviya MK, A Pandey, P Trivedi, G Gupta and B Kumar. 2009. Chitinolytic activity of cold tolerant antagonistic species of Streptomyces isolated from glacial sites of Indian Himalaya. Current Microbiology 58, 502-508.

  34. Trivedi P, A Pandey and LMS. Palni. 2008. In vitro evaluation of antagonistic properties of Pseudomonas corrugata. Microbiological Research 163:329-336.

  35. Trivedi P and TM Sa. 2008. Pseudomonas corrugata (NRRL B-30409) mutants increased phosphate solubilization, organic acid production and plant growth at lower temperatures. Current Microbiology 56, 140-144.

  36. Trivedi P and A Pandey. 2008. Recovery of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria from sodium alginate beads after three years following storage at 4 ºC. Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 35, 205-209.

  37. Trivedi P and A Pandey. 2008. Plant growth promotion abilities and formulation of Bacillus megaterium strain B 388 isolated from a temperate Himalayan location. Indian Journal of Microbiology 48, 342-347.

  38. Pandey A, N Das, B Kumar, Rinu K and P Trivedi. 2008. Phosphate solubilization by Penicillium spp. isolated from soil samples of Indian Himalayan region. World Journal Microbiology and Biotechnology 24, 97-102.

  39. Kim K, PI Gandhi, R Anandham, MM Madhaiyan, P Trivedi and TM Sa. 2008. In vitro evaluation of the mechanism of antagonism and phosphate solubilization by the insect gut bacteria Pseudomonas sp. PRGB06 that exhibits plant growth promotion and bio-fertilizing traits. Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer 41, 18-25.

  40. Woojong Y, R Anandham, P Trivedi, MM Madhaiyan and TM Sa. 2008. Ubiquitous presence and activity of thiosulfate oxidizing bacteria in rhizosphere of economically important crop plants of Korea. Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer 41, 9-17.

  41. Trivedi P and A Pandey. 2007. Application of immobilized cells of Pseudomonas putida to solubilize insoluble phosphate in broth and soil conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Sciences 170, 629-631.

  42. Trivedi P and A Pandey. 2007. Biological hardening of micropropagated Picrorhiza kurrooa Royel ex Benth- an endangered species of medical importance. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 23, 877-878.

  43. Trivedi P and A Pandey. 2007. Low temperature phosphate solubilization and plant growth promotion by psychrotrophic bacteria isolated from Indian Himalayan Region. Research Journal of Microbiology 2, 452-461.

  44. Kumar B, P Trivedi and A Pandey 2007. Pseudomonas corrugata: A suitable bioinoculant for maize grown under rainfed conditions of Himalayan region. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 39, 3093-3100.

  45. Trivedi P, A Pandey and TM Sa. 2007. Chromate reducing and plant growth promoting activities of psychrotrophic Rhodococcus erythropolis MTCC 7905. Journal Basic Microbiology 47, 513-517.

  46. Pandey A, P Trivedi, B Kumar and LMS. Palni. 2006. Characteristics of a phosphate solubilizing and antagonistic strain of Pseudomonas putida (BO) isolated from a sub-alpine location in the Indian central Himalaya. Current Microbiology 53, 102-107.

  47. Trivedi P, B Kumar and A Pandey. 2006. Conservation of soil microbial diversity associated with two hot springs in Uttaranchal Himalaya. National Academy of Science Letters 29, 185-188.

  48. Chaurasia B, A Pandey, LMS Palni, P Trivedi, B Kumar and N Colvin. 2005. Structural deformities in pathogenic fungi caused by diffusible and volatile compounds produced by an antagonist (Bacillus subtilis): in vitro studies. Microbiological Research 160, 75-81.

  49. Trivedi P, A Pandey, LMS Palni, N Bag and MB Tamang. 2005. Colonization of rhizosphere of tea by growth promoting bacteria. International Journal of Tea Science, 4:19-25.                                                                   

  50. Trivedi P, A Pandey and LMS Palni. 2005. Carrier based formulations of plant growth promoting bacteria suitable for use in the colder regions. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 21:941-945.

  51. Kumar B, P Trivedi, AK Mishra, A Pandey and LMS Palni. 2004. Microbial diversity of soil from two hot springs in Uttaranchal Himalaya. Microbiological Research 151: 141-146.

Book Chapters

  1. Pandey A, LMS Palni, P Trivedi, S Singh, B Chaurasia, A Kumar, RK Agnihotri, B Kumar, MB Tamang and N Bag. 2012. Microbial fertilizers to support organic tea production in the mountain with special reference to Uttaranchal. In: Tea in Hills for Smallholder Growers, N Jain (ed.), Global Advances in Tea Sciences, 1-14.

  2. Pandey A, LMS Palni, B Kumar, A Sharma, P Trivedi, S Singh, MK Malviya, Rinu K, N Aishvarya and P Sati. 2010. Extremophiles from Himalaya: Diversity, Bioprospecting and Conservation. In: Proceedings of National Conference on Bioprospecting: Access for Sustainable Development, R Mathur, S Sharma and NK Singh eds. pp. 1-8. Allahabad.

  3. Trivedi P, B Kumar, A Pandey and LMS Palni. 2007. Growth promotion of rice by phosphate solubilizing bioinoculants in a Himalayan location. In:  Proceedings Books of First International Meeting on Microbial Phosphate Solubilization, E Velazquez and C Rodriguez-Barrueco (eds), pp. 291-299, Kluwer Publication.

  4. Pandey A, P Trivedi, B Kumar, B Chaurasia and LMS Palni. 2006. Soil microbial diversity from the Himalaya: Need for documentation and conservation. NBA Scientific Bulletin No. 5, National Biodivesity Authority Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, p 64.

  5. Pandey A, P Trivedi, B Kumar, B Chaurasia, S Singh and LMS Palni. 2004. Development of microbial inoculants for enhancing plant performance in the mountains. In: Biotechnological Approaches for Sustainable Development, MS Reddy and S Kumar (eds), pp. 13-20, Allied Publishers Ltd., New Delhi.

Invited Review

  1. Trivedi P and N Wang. 2011. Application of Phylogenetic Oligonuleotide Microarray (POA) in microbial analysis. In: Handbook of Molecular Microbial Ecology, Frans J. de Bruijn (ed). pp. 551-566, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA.

  2. Trivedi P, A Pandey, LMS Palni. 2011. Bioinoculants for Field Application under Mountain Ecosystem: The Initiatives and the Future Prospects. In: Bacteria in Agrobiology: Plant Probiotics, DK Maheshwari (ed.), pp. 15-44, Springer.

  3. Trivedi P, B Kumar and A Pandey. 2009. Nature and Applications of Bacillus species for improving Plant Growth: An Overview. In: Potential Microorganisms for Sustainable Agriculture: A Techno-Commercial Perspective, DK Maheshwari and RC Dubey (eds.), pp. 49-66, IK International Publishing House, New Delhi, India.

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